
Smile Test Drive

Discover the power of the Smile Test Drive™—where your new smile takes shape before the treatment even begins.

I believe that success in cosmetic dentistry hinges on clear communication and making sure that each of my patients have a voice when I am designing their new smile.  I created the Smile Test Drive process to empower you with clarity and confidence right from the start.

Why Smile Test Drive?

Benefits of Smile Test Drive


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Step into your smile with confidence, knowing exactly how it looks and feels


Clear understanding of the outcome before making a decision.


Collaborative design process personalized to your unique smile

The journey to your perfect smile

Preview, perfect & embrace with confidence


Discover your smile options, understand the costs, and feel confident about your choices—all through a personalized video consult

Test Drive

Experience a day with your new smile using our unique Test Drive process, empowering you to proceed with certainty.


Wear your temporary veneers for a week, ensuring the size and shape match your expectations before the final application.


Finalize your transformation with porcelain veneers, perfectly crafted and placed to fulfill your vision.

5. Support

Give your product idea a shape. Plan and evaluate the essential features of your product to accomplish your business goals and eliminate.

Ready to preview your new smile?

What they're saying

Questions about Smile Test Drive

We partnered with Rivian to create a visual identity that exemplified the innovation, experience, and earth-driven mission of their business.

What does the Smile Test Drive cost?

It's free. It’s completed at your first in-person consultation. I believe in making sure you're fully confident in your decision before moving forward.

How do I start my Smile Test Drive?

Begin with a virtual consultation. Once you’re ready to move forward, you’ll come in for your in-person consult where we’ll discuss your smile goals and how the Smile Test Drive can help achieve them. Simple, straightforward, and stress-free.

What happens during the Smile Test Drive?

You’ll visit the office, and I’ll apply a temporary composite material on top of your teeth. It’s your chance to see the possibilities of what your smile can look like.

Can I change my smile design after the Smile Test Drive?

Yes, you can. The Smile Test Drive is just the beginning. We refine your smile based on your feedback, ensuring it’s exactly how you want it.